Tongue & Groove Plywood Flooring & Roofing - Big River Group
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T&G Ply – Flooring & Roofing

T & G Structural plywood


T & G Structural ply flooring and roofing is ideal for residential applications, but is also designed to cope with highly concentrated loads specified in commercial and industrial floors.

T&G Ply – Flooring & Roofing

T & G Structural ply flooring and roofing is ideal for residential applications, but is also designed to cope with highly concentrated loads specified in commercial and industrial floors.


Armourply T&G Flooring:

T & G Structural ply flooring and roofing is ideal for residential applications, but is also designed to cope with highly concentrated loads specified in commercial and industrial floors. T&G Plywood is manufactured using ‘A” bond glue and comes in a range of stress grades to suit all applications.

Thicknesses include 15, 17, 19, 21 & 25mm. Standard sheet size (mm) 2400×1200 with 2700×1200 or 2250×1200 available on request.

T&G structural flooring should be installed in accordance with EWPAA recommendations. See “Tongued and Grooved Residential Flooring” publication, available from www.ewp.asn.au. Download our brochure for minimum thicknesses for trafficable floors in residential applications with occupancy requirements of 2.7kN concentrated live loads, as detailed in the Loading Code (AS/NZS1170.1 “Structural design actions – Permanent, imposed and other actions”).

Armourply T&G Roofing

Lightweight system allows cost savings by reducing weight of overall roof structure. Plywood base creates fully braced roof structure. Thicknesses include  12 & 15mm.


Armourply T&G Flooring

Standard Sheet Size (mm) 2400 x 1200 with 2700 x 1200 or 2250 x 1200 available on request
Thickness (mm) 15, 17, 19, 21, 25
Plywood Grade CD
Stress Grade F11 (F14 on request)
Timber Species Radiata Pine
Applications Structural residential flooring, mezzanines, transportables.
Formaldehyde Emissions Super E0


Armourply T&G Roofing

Standard Sheet Size (mm) 2400 x 1200 with 2700 x 1200 or 2250 x 1200 available on request
Thickness (mm) 12, 15
Plywood Grade DD
Stress Grade F11
Timber Species Radiata Pine
Benefits Reduced penetration of wind, dust and vermin. No loose mortar, broken tiles or rust.
Formaldehyde Emissions Super E0